A Family Tradition Since 1969!
Beginning in 1969, Jim Elliott Sr. built a very successful family business, selling and building hundreds of log homes in New Hampshire and Vermont. Each of his four children grew up in the business and took on different roles and enjoyed the process of helping people achieve one of the most significant milestones in a person’s life—to own their dream home.
When Jim retired in 1993, his son Jeff, decided to start Coventry Log Homes, a completely new log home manufacturing company with the goal of producing the highest quality homes and shipping them to other areas of the country. Coventry was named after their New Hampshire hometown’s original name. Jeff began by building a small mill on the lot on Court Street in Woodsville. He hired his younger brother, Mark, and established the corporation, naming himself president and Mark the vice president.
The first years found Jeff doing everything from drafting homes, handling sales, and figuring and ordering materials. While Mark worked at the mill, cutting the packages and loading trucks. After a couple of years, they hired a sales representative who could focus on customer service, the hallmark of every successful company. It was at that time, they won a national award for best follow through in system built companies. When an extra mill guy was hired, Mark was freed up to work more in the office in sales, prepare materials lists, and shipping. A draftsman was added to the team, which freed Jeff to concentrate on expanding Coventry’s line of products and services.
Three decades later, Coventry offers over 100 standard models in five separate categories: The Craftsman, Tradesman, Cabin, Timber frame, & Adirondack Styles as well as additions and garages. The mill produces three package options: The Pre-Cut Log Wall, Shell, and Complete Package in a variety of log profiles and sizes.
The main Somersworth model was built on the mill lot in 1999 to showcase Coventry homes to the public. In 2000, a brand-new state of the art planer was installed along with many other mill updates. In 2004 due to growth, an addition to the model was built, allowing for the expansion of office personnel, sales representatives, and a drafting and production team. Through the following years, the mill yard was expanded with additional storage buildings used for windows and doors, a new milling building was added and acres of lumber storage to accommodate the industry’s largest inventory.
By mid-2008, the entire Cabin Styles were built next to the Somersworth model giving 5 more models to view. In 2020, we added a new style home called the Adirondack for customers to view and walk through, called the Willow. This Hybrid Style home displays many different finishes to showcase some of the options these homes have to offer.
Today Coventry employs over 35 of the best people; including a team of sales representatives, draftsmen, financial and clerical administrators, technical advisors, production staff, print and web designers, and mill workers. As a result of the professionalism of the Coventry staff and their dedication to the highest customer service experience, nearly 3,000 Coventry homes have been delivered. In fact, Coventry has homes in all 50 States, every Providence in Canada, Japan, Australia, and Ireland.
Coventry Log Homes is a proud member in good standing with The Better Business Bureau, The Log & Timber Home Council and The National Association of Home Builders.
Mill Tour Video
This movie will take you on a tour of our mill at Coventry Log Homes in Woodsville, New Hampshire.
We hope you enjoy it.
Our mill tour located in Woodsville, New Hampshire.

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