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Going Green

Coventry Log Homes
 The Energy Efficient Choice

As building codes are updated to meet the demanding requirements of “Going Green,” without missing a beat Coventry Log Homes continues to produce a full line of energy efficient homes while providing the best and most affordable package anywhere.

FACT: Coventry Log Homes packages meet all current energy codes.

FACT: Any standard Coventry package can meet Energy Star requirements.

Energy Star: An EPA and DOE joint program that evaluates the overall performance of a new home. To qualify a home is required to exceed the current codes by 15%.

Build Green: The National Build Green Standard is a collaborative effort between the International Code Council (ICC) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The standard permits builders to aim for the highest sustainability goals of energy savings of 65% or higher.

Coventry Homes Inherently Green

We support and applaud responsible eco-friendly efforts to sustain our renewable resources.

Coventry Log Homes, Inc. Green Building Practices — Fact Sheet

A lot of planning goes into a home in order to meet the requirements necessary to be called green. Many of
the requirements deal with more than just your log home package.

"Our Coventry Log Home has been everything we dreamed it would be. From planning to building, and every place in between, we felt the team at Coventry worked hard to ensure our visions were realized."

The Eplers, Coventry Log Home Owners

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